if you asked me a year ago if i would ever have a live-in girlfriend again i woulda honestly told you no
i felt like i was too old, too weird, too stuck in my ways, and not handsome enough to nab the type of women i had been lucky enough to be with through my Past
but it just shows to go you that i am often wrong about things, particularly matters of the heart.
which makes me wonder what else i am wrong about. God? Politics? Gravity?
i dont mind being wrong because when i am wrong it means that things are nicer than i expected
not only did i think i would be bored as someones boyfriend at this age, but worse, i thought i would be boring to someone sweet.
i never want to bore someone, especially a sweet girl who cooks and cleans and wears freaky clothes for me.
people ask when i will ever quit this blog. my first answer is never because i hate quitters, but the truth is when it gets boring.
but this will never be boring.
i may have to get amber this necklace.