they want what you have
one of the more fascinating things about my life is at almost every turn and i dont say this as a victim, even though it may come across that way, but people want what i have. and then they ruin it....
View Articletoday i learned Stiff is worth $90?
sometimes when i get low i think what have i done so far and i think NOTHING such a question is so subjective because what is value? what is the right answer? who cares what youve bought or “earned”...
View Articlewhy i dont care if you dont like this blog, by tony pierce
once you start caring what John thinks, you’re gonna care about what Paul, George and Ringo care. and fuck Ringo. once you start caring what Beyonce, Michelle, and Kendrick think, you’re gonna have to...
View Articletheres a thing called ‘voice’ that people like to talk about
and i get it, in theory, that in writing there is a particular tone that one could read into a blog post, an article, a report, ect and that’s nice, but where i come in conflict with some it is when i...
View Articlehappy birthday to my all time favorite blog about busses
do you remember everything? like how this started? like how you were frustrated and sad and felt like your life would add up to nothing? do you remember how Blogger used to crash all the time, several...
View Articlebachelor bobs podcast fiesta
if you asked me a year ago if i would ever have a live-in girlfriend again i woulda honestly told you no i felt like i was too old, too weird, too stuck in my ways, and not handsome enough to nab the...
View Articleshe’s all, you are not ashamed of anything?
i said the only thing i feel constantly guilty of, shame isnt the word id call it, is this blog. this humble collection of zeros and ones floating around in the cyber space. i said, i wish i spent more...
View Articleblogging is hard enough
heres the hard thing about blogging: keeping it real. we live in polite society. we also live among humans and humans love gossip. so on your blog you can either have no friends no job no life and...
View Articleim full from Christmas
but im glad it’s over. so much stress. not enough religion. theres a bunch of stuff i gotta do. one is get my car detailed. ive had it for years and maybe 1,000 people have been in it, and i need it...
as you may know, i run the worlds best howard stern facebook group. one of the things that im constantly debtating about is deleting posts that whine that howard isnt the same howard as he was when he...
View Articlehow to write when yr young
About once a year i get asked to speak to college kids and it’s terribly flattering but am i really the best person for them to listen to? If I was someone in his right mind I’d say, be as Robinson...
View Articleim most grateful for the ideas
a long time ago i was in a poetry writing class at my university it was a trick class because the credits did not count for any requirement in letters & science even though it was a letters &...
View Articlethe first rule of blogging is to blog
but its been hot girls summer and i just needed to live a little before the rocket launches but now murphys law now ambers sick. i was gonna take her to san dieger because the cubs are down there but...
View Articleive had writers block, i’ll admit it
i want to blame this i wanna blame that. is it procrastination? whats even the difference? i had such a great time today driving around south central and hollywood. i met the coolest people, thought...
View Articleyoure gonna be criticized in life
people arent going to understand you and it doesnt matter how well youve done in the past or how well youre doing in the present jesus walked across water and days later his bffs asked when can you...
View Articlei wish they could all be like this
last week it was decided that we should have an Oscar story or two, so all eyes were on me and i thought of how hard it must have been to be the TV show’s main hype man i mean there was Oscars So...
View Articledo you know how long ive been doing this?
writing to you? whoever you are? telling you the news of the day. the thoughts in my head? my dreams my wishes my annoyances? when i was in high school i started a diary. it turned into three or four....
View Article2020 will probably be the year i’ve blogged here the least
let’s list the reasons this was probably the case i wrote a buttload on Los Angeleno pandemics aren’t fun often when i work from offices i’ll blog when im bored any time i had a good idea i’d either...
View Articlehappy new year busbloggers
as you can tell from the image on the right, my production here on the world famous busblog has diminished year over year. i barely got 200 posts on here last year. true, i wrote 100 posts on Los...
View Articlei did good today
got a lot of work done sold a magazine for $16 on ebay and mailed it off talked to my mom drove to a dollar store and bought a giant sweet potato for $2.50 made mashed potatoes with the potato added...
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